Wednesday 25 January 2012

New house, finally settling to stability!

The update:
We will be settling down here in Basingstoke as Jeff has now got some work. After waiting 4 weeks from the recruitment company stuffing him around, his aus police check has finally arrived and is now able to work..
 It's been a nightmare with our phones. 3 say they have good coverage in the UK, but since moving out of London, it's been crap.. We usually have to go outside to make calls and mostly always have the "No service" sign. I think we may be changing over to Vodafone soon.
 Because the recruitment company has been stuffing Jeff around until now, it's been frustrating to find a spot to settle down, but after Jeff ringing another office of Synabor the contact there was so happy that he called and they have heaps of work for him. Now, why couldn't she have called since she knew we were in the country??
 In the last few days, we have been from hotel to hotel as we have been looking around Basingstoke for a place to rent. Confirmation came today that we now have one in a place called Beggarwood which is on the outskirts of Basingstoke and will be moving there next Wednesday.

Our address will be:

9 Oceana Crescent, Beggarwood,    Hampshire RG22 4FF

The other "not happy jan" situation that we have had is our bank.. It looked like we may have gone into London to organise a bank cheque for the estate agent because they only have 4 branches in the whole country (we didn't know this at the time).... They didn't understand the whole Bank Cheque business, but after locking Jeff out of internet banking, they have graciously done our transfer of the first 6 months rent that we have to pay.
Did I say the first 6 months??  YES - the company that handles the employment references have decided that our rental income from our home in Croydon doesn't count & that Jeff's long service leave payment is semi-ok but still doesn't count.  The way they see it is that I'm unemployed and Jeff hasn't been offered a contract, so to make everyone happy,  we have had to pay 6 months in advance. 
After having the accident yesterday, more crap today over the phone with banks and again mobile phone coverage, I think we need a holiday!  Jeff said he's never been this stressed before, but this time next week we will be having our first night at our new house.  That in mind, we can rest our minds that we now have a place.
We keep saying to each other that if things dont keep going our way we will come home, but then we thought "oh, we just paid 6 months rent in advance - even if we wanted to, we couldn't even afford the airfare home".  so, looks like we are staying!  It will get better.  Jeff will have work next week, Chloe will be starting school and hopefully I will have employment too...
We will look back at the first 4 weeks here later and hopefully have a good laugh..  Better that than crying!!
Does England have an England Day?  Must look that up and let you know..
Bye from the bears, the mamma, dadda & the kid xxxx

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