Friday 30 December 2011

My public apology to my Father In-Law

I posted a comment on my blog here that it was "interesting to stay with the in-laws to say the least".  I've tried to explain in facebook that this was supposed to be a funny comment but has obviously backfired on me completely.
It was actually in fact interesting staying with them as I could see how quirky they can be and how we all fitted into their house.
Again, as I said in facebook, I'm sorry to have said this comment and did in fact appreciate you both giving up your home for us to stay in the busy lead up to Christmas.  Not much else I can probably say to make you feel better about my comment.

Monday 26 December 2011

England - here we are!

We have made it!  20 or so hours on a plane, and we have touched down in the Mother Country.  Dennis and Thelma (jeff's parents) saw us off at the airport, and after a rushed check-in, through customs, a phone call from Thelma while we were getting our belongings in customs (not a really good time), and a quick walk to gate 12 in the international departures (after being rushed on by the crew), we left Melbourne at 12.55am Christmas morning on flight MH128 (Malaysia airlines).  I slept through take-off and got a decent sleep until we touched down in KL at 6.15am Christmas morning.  Chloe only got about an hour as she was too excited and watched movie after movie after movie.
A freshen up in KL, chilling for 5 hrs, we got back on Malaysia airlines (MH0004) to London, Heathrow.  Great service by the crew, only 88 passengers on this flight, so we were able to stretch out a lot more instead of being squashed.  Again, and so typical of Chloe - she fell asleep probably 2hrs before we were to touchdown at Heathrow - we had to wake her up and was a little crabby!   I only cried as we touchdowned at Heathrow because this has been in the planning for so many years that it was finally here.
Santa came to Chloe on the plane and she was just so excited.  Her face just lit up like there's no tomorrow and was over the moon that Santa had left a present with the crew and that it was an iPod touch with all games and music installed!  Customs no problem at Heathrow - I imagined doing the whole interview with them trying to prove we had enough funds, accommodation etc, but he was very nice and never queried anything.  Overnight at the Ramada Heathrow with breakfast included and we stuffed ourselves silly!!  
I should say that we had Christmas with the family before we left and that was great.  Menace - we didn't have a whole row to ourselves.  The seating was 3 on the left, 4 in the middle, 3 on the right and we were in the middle and stuck sitting next to someone on the end, but it was ok.    A bit of sightseeing to do over the next week or so before we head to Bristol.  Hope everyone back in Aus (sounds very weird to say that!) had a great christmas day, happy boxing day and hope to talk to some of you soon.
J, L & C.  xxx
PS - Thelma & Dennis, Troy & May - I really miss Jet so I hope he is going ok. big cuddles to him. xx

Friday 23 December 2011

Christmas Eve is just around the corner

Twas the night before Christmas Eve:  we have tickets, passports, socks, jocks, knickers, shoes, tshirts, a few jumpers, camera, iPhones, laptops, accommodation bookings, car hire receipt, airport hotel booking etc etc etc ready to go for tomorrow night.  A big family Christmas lunch is being prepared for tomorrow and final farewell's to immediate family/cousins etc.  Not forgetting the christmas presents that Chloe has asked about 50 million times "are you sure we will be opening our presents before we go?"...
We have totally stuffed up the traditional McMillin christmas eve of watching the  whole Carols by Candelight from the Myer Music bowl, with eating tons of lollies, chips, nuts, drinks etc because we need to leave for the airport around 8/830pm..  Menace & Thel not happy (but only jokingly has said we have "stuffed it")...  I'm not really sure how I feel about it - I feel a bit emotional, but cannot bring the tears out of my eyes yet. Jeff is not feeling well (always happens once he's finished school), so touch wood, pray etc that he will be ok.  I thought I did a final pack of everything the other night, but yet again, see myself doing another "final pack" for real.
For those following us, a happy christmas for the real christmas day, a happy new year and a glorious 2012. 

God save our gracious queen,
Long live our nobel queen

(oh god, your not going to finish with that everytime comes from the mouth of my loving husband....)
Goodnight, god bless, see you santa in the sky somewhere and yes I do like my new laptop!

Thursday 15 December 2011

All set to go

Hi ya friends of the McMillin's,

We are all set to depart 1am Christmas morning.  Our visa's have arrived back in Aus and not boasting, but my folders that I prepared for the British High Commission were in top shape.  It only took a few days to approve and we hold the record with Resless World (the expert Visa company).  They only cost us @$1500, but it was done properly with no rejection.

Our own home has been rented out to 4 single girls who we know will take care of our house while we are away.  (and if they don't, there's hell to pay!).  In the meantime we are staying in Ringwood with the older McMillin's and it's been interesting to say the least.

I've said some goodbye's this week to some very spec friends who I will miss very much, but I know they are looking at what we are up to via my blog that I've created.  Chloe has only 2 days of school left, I have 3 days of work left and Jeff has 4 days of school left.  Christmas Day for us will be celebrated in 3 countries this year - Australia, KL and England - WHOO HOOO!!

See you all soon.....